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The holidays could find you needing a Tennessee criminal defense


The holidays could find you needing a Tennessee criminal defense

On behalf of Patrick T. McNally, Attorney at Law | 
December 25, 2018

The holiday season is here, and you may be visiting friends or family here in the Nashville area. You could attend plenty of parties and holiday gatherings with those you love, which means you may travel between locations and/or to and from a hotel. During those travels, you could end up gaining the attention of law enforcement officers who are probably out in force during this season looking for drunk drivers. If you end up getting stopped and charged with DUI, preparing your criminal defense will become a top priority. 

If you find yourself under arrest for DUI, you cannot just go home after your visit and forget about the incident. Instead, you will need to find a way to deal with it. While having advice and assistance with criminal charges in your home state is important, it becomes crucial when those charges are filed in another state. You may envision a lot of time off work and travel in order to meet the requirements of the court, but it does not necessarily have to be that way.

With the right legal ally in your corner, you could limit, or eliminate, the amount of time you would need to take in order to return. It may be possible to get the charges dismissed, which could be the optimal outcome, or at least have them reduced to something less serious and intrusive on your life. The goal is to get you back home and moving on with your life as quickly and painlessly as possible.

A Nashville attorney with experience in criminal defense for visitors and tourists could provide you with the help you need in Tennessee. Your holiday visit to the area does not have to leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. With some assistance, you could put the incident behind you and look forward to your next visit.

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